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Website Released: Career Help

Career Help is an article based website. Its mission is to be a “global online information resource for people seeking guidance to improve their careers and their jobs.” Each of us knows someone facing tough challenges in trying economic times.  From career advice for specific industries to topic suggestion, Career Help wants to be a primary resource for people who are serious about their work and careers.

The client needed a website that would be automated, offering the capability of posting a blog and sending it to Facebook and Twitter.  We also implemented side widgets that indicate the latest posts, the most popular, comments and tags. I built this in Word Press with several plugins to increase Search Engine Optimization and social presences.

The client required a clean, easy-to-read site that can support large volumes of compelling content.  Our goal was to meet this request with a distinctive professional and elegant look, using the back-end technology to make it easy to use.

The client is happy with the results and offered this comment: “’Thomas Edison said, ‘Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.’ We want Career-Help to be a valuable resource for those seeking to help themselves. That design shows that you listened carefully to our vision for Career-Help. You have designed a site that can change people’s lives.”


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